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Radisson, Pierre Esprit

(Encyclopedia) Radisson, Pierre EspritRadisson, Pierre Espritpyĕr ĕsprēˈ rädēsôNˈ [key], c.1632–1710, French explorer and fur trader in North America. He arrived in Canada in 1651. His journals,…


(Encyclopedia) GavarniGavarnigävärnēˈ [key], pseud. of Sulpice Guillaume ChevalierGavarnisülpēsˈ gēyōmˈ shəvälyāˈ [key], 1804–66, French caricaturist and lithographer. He was first known for his…

Allouez, Claude Jean

(Encyclopedia) Allouez, Claude JeanAllouez, Claude Jeanklōd zhäN älwāˈ [key], 1622–89, French Jesuit missionary in Canada and the American Midwest. After arriving (1658) in Canada he served at posts…

Jones, James

(Encyclopedia) Jones, James, 1921–77, American novelist, b. Robinson, Ill. Written in the tradition of naturalism, his novels often celebrate the endurance of man. From Here to Eternity (1951), his…

Przhevalsky, Nikolai Mikhailovich

(Encyclopedia) Przhevalsky, Nikolai MikhailovichPrzhevalsky, Nikolai Mikhailovichnyĭkəlīˈ mēkhīˈləvĭch pərzhĭvälˈskē [key], 1839–88, Russian geographer and explorer in central and E Asia. He made…

Castello, Giovanni Battista

(Encyclopedia) Castello, Giovanni BattistaCastello, Giovanni Battistajōvänˈnē bät-tēsˈtä [key]Castello, Giovanni Battista kästĕlˈlō [key], c.1509–c.1569, Italian painter and architect; called Il…

Schomburgk, Sir Robert Hermann

(Encyclopedia) Schomburgk, Sir Robert HermannSchomburgk, Sir Robert Hermannshŏmˈbərk [key], 1804–65, English traveler and explorer, b. Germany. Under the direction of the Royal Geographical Society…

Ingersoll, Jared, American colonial official

(Encyclopedia) Ingersoll, Jared, 1722–81, American colonial official, b. Milford, Conn. He was made (1751) king's attorney in New Haven, and later he sailed (1758) for England as a colonial agent.…

Charlevoix, Pierre François Xavier de

(Encyclopedia) Charlevoix, Pierre François Xavier deCharlevoix, Pierre François Xavier depyĕr fräNswäˈ zävyāˈ də shärləvwäˈ [key], 1682–1761, French Jesuit traveler and historian. He taught at the…

du Plessix Gray, Francine

(Encyclopedia) du Plessix Gray, Francine, 1930–2019, French-American writer, b. Warsaw, studied Bryn Mawr, Black Mountain College, B.A. Barnard, 1952. She worked first as a writer and editor for…