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Malachy, Saint

(Encyclopedia) Malachy, SaintMalachy, Saintmălˈəkē [key], 1095–1148, Irish churchman, reformer of the church in Ireland. His Irish name was Máel Máedoc ua Morgair. He was assistant to Cellach (Celsus…

Heyerdahl, Thor

(Encyclopedia) Heyerdahl, ThorHeyerdahl, Thorhāˈərdälˌ, hīˈ– [key], 1914–2002, Norwegian explorer and anthropologist, b. Larvik. He carried out research in the Marquesas Islands in 1937–38 and…

Tibaldi, Pellegrino

(Encyclopedia) Tibaldi, PellegrinoTibaldi, Pellegrinopāl-lāgrēˈnō tēbälˈdē [key], 1527–96, Italian baroque painter and architect, whose real name was Pellegrino di Tibaldo de' Pellegrini. He studied…

Simpson, Sir George

(Encyclopedia) Simpson, Sir George, 1792?–1860, governor of the Hudson's Bay Company in Canada (1821–56), b. Scotland. In 1820 he was sent by the Hudson's Bay Company to Canada, where he took charge…

Johnson, Martin Elmer

(Encyclopedia) Johnson, Martin Elmer, 1884–1937, American explorer and author, b. Rockford, Ill. He left home at 14 to work his way to Europe on a cattle boat, returning as a stowaway. He then joined…


(Encyclopedia) NarmadaNarmadanərmŭˈdə [key], river, c.775 mi (1,250 km) long, rising in Madhya Pradesh state, central India, and flowing W between the Satpura and Vindhya ranges through Gujarat state…

Colter, John

(Encyclopedia) Colter, JohnColter, Johnkōlˈtər [key], c.1775–1813, American trapper and guide, b. Virginia. In 1803 he enlisted in the Lewis and Clark expedition and in 1806, on the return trip, was…

Demme, Jonathan

(Encyclopedia) Demme, Jonathan (Robert Jonathan Demme)Demme, Jonathandĕmˈē [key], 1944–2017, American filmmaker, b. Baldwin, N.Y. Demme, known for eclectic subjects and social satire, made feature…

Bowles, Samuel

(Encyclopedia) Bowles, Samuel, 1797–1851, American newspaper editor, b. Hartford, Conn. He founded (1824) the Springfield (Mass.) Republican, a weekly. In 1844 it became a daily under the influence…

Renan, Ernest

(Encyclopedia) Renan, ErnestRenan, Ernestĕrnĕstˈ rənäNˈ [key], 1823–92, French historian and critic. He began training for the priesthood but renounced it in 1845. His first trip to Italy (1849)…