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Road Trip

Director/Writer:Todd PhillipsDreamWorks; R; 97 minutesRelease:5/00Cast:Amy Smart, Breckin Meyer, Tom Green Road Trip is the summer bad taste laff fest, inspired by the canny dementia of There…

A Safe Trip Abroad

The U.S. Department of State offers the following tips for safe travel abroad: Dress conservatively. Thieves often target tourists, so avoid wearing anything that will make you stand out, and…

Baron Munchausen: A Trip to the North

by Rudolph Erich Raspe The Frolic Our Baron excels Baron Tott...A Trip to the North The Baron sails with Captain Phipps, attacks two large bears, and has a very narrow escape-Gains…

Baron Munchausen: A Second Trip to the Moon.

by Rudolph Erich Raspe Voyage eastward-The Baron i... The Baron crosses the Thame...A Second Trip to the Moon. A second visit (but an accidental one) to the moon-The ship driven…

Forster, Johann Reinhold

(Encyclopedia) Forster, Johann Reinhold, 1729–98, German naturalist and teacher. His Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (1772–73) on zoology, ornithology, and ichthyology established him…

Andersson, Karl Johan

(Encyclopedia) Andersson, Karl JohanAndersson, Karl Johany&oomacr;ˈhän änˈdərsōnˌ [key], 1827–67, Swedish explorer in Africa. In 1850 he and Francis Galton set out from Walvis Bay (now in Namibia…

Lull, Ramón

(Encyclopedia) Lull, RamónLull, Ramónrämōnˈ l&oomacr;l [key], or Raymond Lully, c.1232–1316?, Catalan philosopher, b. Palma, Majorca. Of a wealthy family, he lived in ease until c.1263, when he…