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Brewer's: Ice-brook

A sword of ice-brook temper. Of the very best quality. The Spaniards used to plunge their swords and other weapons, while hot from the forge, into the brook Salo [Xalon], near Bilbilis, in…

Krochmal, Nachman

(Encyclopedia) Krochmal, NachmanKrochmal, Nachmannäkhˈmän krôkhˈmäl [key], 1785–1840, Jewish secular historian and writer, b. Galicia. He was a leader in the movement of the Jewish enlightenment and…

Few, William

(Encyclopedia) Few, William, 1748–1828, political leader in the American Revolution, b. near Baltimore. He was raised in North Carolina and was involved in the Regulator movement there. He later…

Moneta, Ernesto Teodoro

(Encyclopedia) Moneta, Ernesto TeodoroMoneta, Ernesto Teodoroārnĕsˈtō tāōᵺôˈrō mōnĕˈ-tä [key], 1833–1918, Italian editor and pacifist; winner of the 1907 Nobel Peace Prize. He joined the movement for…

motion sickness

(Encyclopedia) motion sickness, waves of nausea and vomiting experienced by some people, resulting from the sudden changes in movement of a vehicle. The ailment is also known as seasickness, car…

Thomas, Seth

(Encyclopedia) Thomas, Seth, 1785–1859, American clock manufacturer, b. Wolcott, Conn. In 1812 he sold his partnership in a clock business established by Eli Terry and set up a factory to make metal-…

Zanardelli, Giuseppe

(Encyclopedia) Zanardelli, GiuseppeZanardelli, Giuseppej&oomacr;zĕpˈpā dzänärdĕlˈlē [key], 1826–1903, Italian politician and premier (1901–3). As minister of justice (1881–83, 1887–91) he…

Winsor, Justin

(Encyclopedia) Winsor, Justin, 1831–97, American librarian and historian. He was superintendent (1868–77) of the Boston Public Library and afterward librarian (1877–97) of Harvard. In addition to…

traffic regulation

(Encyclopedia) traffic regulation, control of the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, chiefly on city streets. Formal regulation of motor vehicle traffic was instituted in New York City in 1903; a…


(Encyclopedia) poltergeistpoltergeistpōlˈtərgīst [key] [Ger.,=knocking ghost], in spiritism, certain phenomena, such as rapping, movement of furniture, and breaking of crockery, for which there is no…