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(Encyclopedia) cubism, art movement, primarily in painting, originating in Paris c.1907. In painting the several sources of cubist inspiration included the later work of Cézanne; the geometric…

skeleton, in anatomy

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Human skeleton skeleton, in anatomy, the stiff supportive framework of the body. The two basic types of skeleton found among animals are the exoskeleton and the endoskeleton.…

Pusey, Edward Bouverie

(Encyclopedia) Pusey, Edward BouveriePusey, Edward Bouveriepy&oomacr;ˈzē [key], 1800–1882, English clergyman, leader in the Oxford movement. Having studied at Christ Church College, Oxford, Pusey…

Fowler, Charles Henry

(Encyclopedia) Fowler, Charles Henry, 1837–1908, American Methodist bishop and educator, b. Canada. For 11 years he held pastorates in Chicago churches. He was president of Northwestern Univ. from…


(Encyclopedia) Scipione (Gino Bonichi)Scipioneshēpyôˈnā; jēˈnō bōnēˈkē [key], 1904–33, Italian painter. Together with Mario Mafai, Scipione was a cofounder of the Roman school, an expressionist…

Manin, Daniele

(Encyclopedia) Manin, DanieleManin, Danieledänyĕˈlā mänēnˈ [key] 1804–57, Venetian leader of the movement to free N Italy from Austrian rule. His father, a Jew, was converted to Christianity and took…

Mazowiecki, Tadeusz

(Encyclopedia) Mazowiecki, TadeuszMazowiecki, Tadeusztädāˈ&oomacr;sh mäzōvēĕtˈskē [key], 1927–2013, Polish journalist and political leader, prime minister of Poland (Aug., 1989– Jan., 1991). He…

Makarios III

(Encyclopedia) Makarios IIIMakarios IIImäkäˈrēôs [key], 1913–77, Orthodox Eastern archbishop and Cypriot statesman, first president of Cyprus (1960–77). Born Michael Mouskos, Makarios was elected…

Kirkland, Lane

(Encyclopedia) Kirkland, Lane (Joseph Lane Kirkland)Kirkland, Lanekûrˈklənd [key], 1922–99, American labor leader, president (1979–95) of the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial…

Muhammad, Elijah

(Encyclopedia) Muhammad, Elijah, 1897–1975, American black-nationalist and religious leader, b. near Sandersville, Ga. Originally named Elijah Poole, he left home at 16 and worked at various jobs. In…