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Book Four

Book Four   That which rules within, when it is according to nature, is so affected with respect to the events which happen, that it always easily adapts itself to that which is and is…

Book Five

Book Five   In he morning when thou risest unwillingly, let this thought be present— I am rising to the work of a human being. Why then am I dissatisfied if I am going to do the things for…

Book Seven

Book Seven   What is badness? It is that which thou hast often seen. And on the occasion of everything which happens keep this in mind, that it is that which thou hast often seen.…

Wisdom, John Minor

(Encyclopedia) Wisdom, John Minor, 1905–99, American jurist, b. New Orleans; grad. Tulane Univ. Law School, 1929. A Republican, long in private practice, he was named to the federal 5th Circuit Court…


(Encyclopedia) Hasidism or ChassidismHasidismboth: hăsˈĭdĭzˌəm, khă– [key] [Heb.,=the pious], Jewish religious movement founded in Poland in the 18th cent. by Baal-Shem-Tov. Its name derives from…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Types of faults fault, in geology, fracture in the earth's crust in which the rock on one side of the fracture has measurable movement in relation to the rock on the other side…

direct current

(Encyclopedia) direct current, abbr. DC, a movement of electric charge across an arbitrarily defined surface in one direction only. See electricity; generator.

book lung

(Encyclopedia) book lung, terrestrial respiratory organ characteristic of arachnids such as scorpions and primitive spiders. Each book lung consists of hollow flat plates. Air bathes the outer…

new objectivity

(Encyclopedia) new objectivity (Ger. Neue Sachlichkeit), German art movement of the 1920s. The chief painters of the movement were George Grosz and Otto Dix, who were sometimes called verists. They…

Devoy, John

(Encyclopedia) Devoy, JohnDevoy, Johndĭvoiˈ [key], 1842–1928, Irish-American journalist and Irish revolutionary, b. Ireland. He joined the Irish Republican Brotherhood (see Fenian movement) in 1861.…