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Barbizon school

(Encyclopedia) Barbizon schoolBarbizon schoolbärˌbĭzōNˈ, bärˈbĭzŏnˌ [key], an informal school of French landscape painting that flourished c.1830–1870. Its name derives from the village of Barbizon,…

public school

(Encyclopedia) public school, in the United States, a tax-supported elementary or high school open to anyone. In England the term was originally applied to grammar schools endowed for the use of the…

Movies and Film: The Schools of Film Acting

The Schools of Film ActingMovies and FilmArtists or Stars? The Aesthetics of ActingFilm Acting vs. Theater ActingThe Star SystemThe Schools of Film Acting"The Actor's Director": Priming the Prima…

The Supreme Court: Legalizing School Vouchers

Legalizing School VouchersThe Supreme CourtEducating Our KidsPunishing StudentsTesting for DrugsDealing with Sexual HarassmentLegalizing School Vouchers The Bush Administration is a big…

Romy and Michele's High School Reunion

Director: David MirkinWriter: Robin SchiffDirector of Photography:Reynaldo VillalobosEditor:David FinferMusic:Steve BartekProduction Designer:Mayne BerkeProducer:Laurence MarkTouchstone; R;…

State Compulsory School Attendance Laws

Here's a list of each U.S. state's compulsory school attendance laws and the date they were implemented. State Enactment1 Compulsory attendance, 2013 Alabama 1915 6–16…