Corporal Punishment in Public Schools, by State

Updated August 5, 2020 | Infoplease Staff

The following table lists the states allowing corporal punishment in schools according to state name and the number of students hit.

States Allowing Corporal Punishment

State Number of
students hit
Percent of
total students
Alabama 33,716 4.5%
Arizona 16 (1)
Arkansas 22,314 4.7
Colorado 8 (1)
Florida 7,185 0.3
Georgia 18,249 1.1
Idaho 111 0.4
Indiana 577 0.5
Kansas 50 .01
Kentucky 2,209 0.3
Louisiana 11,080 1.7
Mississippi 38,131 7.5
Missouri 5,159 0.6
New Mexico 705 0.2
North Carolina 2,705 0.2
Ohio 672 0.04
Oklahoma 14,828 2.3
South Carolina 1,409 0.2
Tennessee 14,868 1.5
Texas 49,197 1.1
U.S. total 223,190 0.46
NOTES: Figures are from 2008.
1. Less than 0.1%
Source: The Center for Effective Discipline, Columbus, Ohio.

States Not Allowing Corporal Punishment

The following table lists the states that do not allow corporal punishment in schools, according to state name and the year in which corporal punishment was banned.

State Year
Alaska 1989
California 1986
Connecticut 1989
Delaware 2003
Hawaii 1973
Illinois 1993
Iowa 1989
Maine 1975
Maryland 1993
Massachusetts 1971
Michigan 1989
Minnesota 1989
Montana 1991
Nebraska 1988
Nevada 1993
New Hampshire 1983
New Jersey 1867
New York 1985
North Dakota 1989
Ohio 19941
Oregon 1989
Pennsylvania 2005
Rhode Island 1977
South Dakota 1990
Utah 19922
Vermont 1985
Virginia 1989
Washington 1993
West Virginia 1994
Wisconsin 1988
1. Corporal punishment is permitted in Ohio schools if a school board follows several procedures before voting to allow it. Parents in districts which allow it may refuse to have their children paddled.
2. Corporal punishment is permitted in Utah schools if a parent or guardian gives written permission for its use.
Source: The Center for Effective Discipline, Columbus, Ohio.

Drugs and Violence on School Property Elementary and High School Education Corporal Punishment in Public Schools, by Year
Elementary and High School Education
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