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night school

(Encyclopedia) night school: see vocational education.

Ionian school

(Encyclopedia) Ionian school, pre-Socratic group of Greek philosophers of the 6th and 5th cent. b.c.; most of them were born in Ionia. Its members were primarily concerned with the origins of the…

library school

(Encyclopedia) library school, educational institution providing professional training for librarians (see also library). Librarians were trained by apprenticeship until the late 19th cent. The first…

charter school

(Encyclopedia) charter school, alternative type of American public school that, while paid for by taxes, is independent of the public-school system and relatively free from state and local…

Eleatic school

(Encyclopedia) Eleatic schoolEleatic schoolēlēătˈĭk [key], Greek pre-Socratic philosophical school at Elea, a Greek colony in Lucania, Italy. The group was founded in the early 5th cent. b.c. by…

Barbizon school

(Encyclopedia) Barbizon schoolBarbizon schoolbärˌbĭzōNˈ, bärˈbĭzŏnˌ [key], an informal school of French landscape painting that flourished c.1830–1870. Its name derives from the village of Barbizon,…

school vouchers

(Encyclopedia) school vouchers, government grants aimed at improving education for the children of low-income families by providing school tuition that can be used at public or private schools. The…