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Brewer's: Romantic School

The name assumed, at the beginning of the nineteenth century, by a number of young poets and critics in Germany, who wished to limit poetry and art to romance. Some twenty-five years later…

Brewer's: Pyrrhonian School

(The). The sceptical platform founded by Pyrrho. (See above.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894PyrrhonismPyrrho A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O…

Brewer's: Spasmodic School

A name applied by Professor Aytoun to certain authors of the nineteenth century, whose writings are distinguished by spasmodic or forced conceits. Of this school the most noted are Carlyle…

High School High

Director:Hart BochnerWriters:David Zucker, Robert LoCash and Pat ProftDirector of Photography:Vernon LaytonEditor:James R. SymonsMusic:Ira NewbornProduction Designer:Dennis…

Brewer's: Flemish School

A school of painting established by the brothers Van Eyck, in the fifteenth century. The chief early masters were Memling, Weyden, Matsys, Mabus, and Moro. Of the second period, Rubens and…

Brewer's: Fleshly School

(The). A class of “realistic” British poets, such as Swinburne, Rossetti, Morris, etc. So called by Thomas Maitland [R. Buchanan] in the Contemporary Review. Source: Dictionary of Phrase…

Brewer's: Megarian School

A philosophical school, founded by Euclid, a native of Megara, and disciple of Socrates. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894MegariansMeg Merrilies A B C D E…

Favorite School Subjects

Among children age 6-11 Subject % Who Chose Particular Subject All Boys Girls Age 6–7 Age 8–9 Age 10–11 Math 25.4% 28.9% 21.6%…

School Years around the World

From Australia to South Korea Related Links Back to School Center World Atlas Education Somewhere in the world, right now, students are hard at work in school. With over 190 nations spanning the…

The Supreme Court: Desegregating Schools

Desegregating SchoolsThe Supreme CourtWarren CourtA Court DividedDesegregating SchoolsMandating Criminal RightsFocusing on Personal RightsLeaving the Court Let's take a close look at Warren'…