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York University

(Encyclopedia) York University, at North York, Ont., Canada; nondenominational; coeducational; founded 1959 as an affiliate of the Univ. of Toronto, became independent 1965. It has faculties of…

Temple, city, United States

(Encyclopedia) Temple, city (1990 pop. 46,109), Bell co., central Tex.; inc. 1882. In a rich blackland region, Temple has grain and textile mills, railroad shops, and plants that make computer…


(Encyclopedia) Scipione (Gino Bonichi)Scipioneshēpyôˈnā; jēˈnō bōnēˈkē [key], 1904–33, Italian painter. Together with Mario Mafai, Scipione was a cofounder of the Roman school, an expressionist…

Pérez Esquivel, Adolpho

(Encyclopedia) Pérez Esquivel, Adolpho, 1931–, Argentine sculptor, architect, and humanitarian. A professor at the Argentine National School of Fine Arts, he resigned (1974) to become head of Peace…


(Encyclopedia) Battle, town, East Sussex, SE England. The town grew up on the site (then a moorland) of the battle of Hastings (1066). The victorious William the Conqueror built Battle Abbey to…

Stevens, Henry

(Encyclopedia) Stevens, Henry, 1819–86, American bookdealer and bibliographer, b. Barnet, Vt. After attending college and law school, Stevens went to Europe as agent for several important libraries…


(Encyclopedia) Batley, town, Kirklees metropolitan district, N central England. Heavy woolens, shoddy, and other textiles are the chief manufactures;…

Rosenberg, Isaac

(Encyclopedia) Rosenberg, Isaac, 1890–1918, English poet, b. Bristol. He studied painting at the Slade School (1911–14) and had an exhibition of his work at the Whitechapel Gallery. Although he wrote…

Quin, James

(Encyclopedia) Quin, James, 1693–1766, English actor. He made his London debut in 1714. The successor of Barton Booth, he was the last of the declamatory school. At his best in declaiming the great…

Habermas, Jürgen

(Encyclopedia) Habermas, JürgenHabermas, Jürgenyûrˈgən häˈbûrmäs [key], 1929–, German philosopher. He is a professor at the Univ. of Frankfurt (emeritus since 1994) and is the best-known contemporary…