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Hampton University

(Encyclopedia) Hampton University, at Hampton, Va.; coeducational; founded 1868, chartered 1870 as a normal and agricultural school; known as Hampton Institute 1930–84. Founded by Samuel Chapman…


(Encyclopedia) Ashiya Ashiya äshēˈyä [key], city, Hyogo prefecture, W central Honshu, Japan, on Osaka Bay. Known for its beauty, Ashiya is a residential and industrial…

Liverpool, University of

(Encyclopedia) Liverpool, University of, at Liverpool, England; established 1881 as University College, received royal charter in 1903. It has faculties of arts, education, engineering, law, medicine…

Memorial University of Newfoundland

(Encyclopedia) Memorial University of Newfoundland, at St. John's, N.L., Canada; provincially supported; coeducational; founded 1925 as Memorial Univ. College. It achieved university status in 1949.…

Alabama, University of

(Encyclopedia) Alabama, University of, main campus at Tuscaloosa; state supported, coeducational; chartered 1820, opened 1831. An experimental station of the U.S. Bureau of Mines, the state natural…

Alaska, University of

(Encyclopedia) Alaska, University of, at Fairbanks, Anchorage, and Juneau; land-grant and state supported; coeducational; chartered 1917, opened 1922 as Alaska Agricultural College and School of…


(Encyclopedia) Chidambaram Chidambaram chĭdŭmˈbərəm [key], town, Tamil Nadu state, SE India. It markets rice and…


(Encyclopedia) Dhamar or Damar Dhamar both: dämärˈ [key], town, S central Yemen, in a valley between two volcanic…

Falcone, Aniello

(Encyclopedia) Falcone, AnielloFalcone, Anielloänyĕlˈlō fälkôˈnā [key], 1607–56, Italian baroque painter of the Neapolitan school. He is known primarily for his battle pieces. There are examples in…

Brentwood, city and district, England

(Encyclopedia) Brentwood, city and district, Essex, SE England. Brentwood is mainly residential but produces some agricultural equipment, film, and…