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Houghton, William Stanley

(Encyclopedia) Houghton, William Stanley, 1881–1913, English dramatist. He was (1907–12) a critic for the Manchester Guardian. His plays, greatly influenced by Ibsen, include The Dear Departed (1908…

Hamilton College

(Encyclopedia) Hamilton College, at Clinton, N.Y.; coeducational; founded 1793 by Samuel Kirkland as Hamilton-Oneida Academy, chartered 1812 as Hamilton College. It was named for Alexander Hamilton.…


(Encyclopedia) GlenalmondGlenalmondglĕnäˈmənd [key], valley of the Almond River, Perth and Kinross, central Scotland, N of Crieff. A huge flat stone marks the traditional grave of Ossian, the…


(Encyclopedia) Jimma or JimaJimaboth: jĭmˈä [key], city (1994 pop. 88,867), Oromia region, SW Ethiopia. It is the commercial center for a coffee-producing region. Potassium and sodium nitrates are…

South Dakota, University of

(Encyclopedia) South Dakota, University of, at Vermillion; state supported; coeducational; chartered 1862, opened 1882 as the Univ. of Dakota. In 1891 it was renamed the Univ. of South Dakota; in…

Fort Bragg

(Encyclopedia) Fort Bragg, U.S. army base, 11,136 acres (4,507 hectares), E N.C., N of Fayetteville; est. 1918. Originally an artillery post, it is now the principal U.S. army airborne-training…

Abildgaard, Nikolaj Abraham

(Encyclopedia) Abildgaard, Nikolaj AbrahamAbildgaard, Nikolaj Abrahamnĭkōlīˈ äˈbēlgôrd [key], 1743–1809, Danish painter of the neoclassical school. He was a student of Eckersberg. Among his own…

Adelphi University

(Encyclopedia) Adelphi UniversityAdelphi Universityədĕlˈfī [key], at Garden City, N.Y.; coeducational; chartered 1896 as Adelphi College. Originally in Brooklyn, the school moved to its present…

Udall, Nicholas

(Encyclopedia) Udall, Nicholas, 1505–56, English dramatist, educated at Oxford. He was headmaster of Eton (1534–41) and of Westminster School (from 1554). His one extant play, Ralph Roister Doister (…

Breck, James Lloyd

(Encyclopedia) Breck, James Lloyd, 1818–76, American Episcopal clergyman and missionary, b. Philadelphia. In 1841 he established a seminary at Nashotah, Wis., with which he was connected until 1850,…