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The Running of the Bulls

High Five! Bulls Dennis Rodman, Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Ron Harper and coach Phil Jackson each hold one of the team's NBA championship trophies at a rally in Chicago. The Bulls beat…

Home Run Hysteria

Sammy Sosa (l) and Mark McGwire (r) enjoy a moment before their August 7 game at Busch Stadium in St. Louis. Many Yankee fans were so enamored of the Babe that they rooted for Maris to fail. He…

Brewer's: Long Run

In the long run. Eventually. Here “long run” is not the correlative of a “short run,” but the Latin adverb demum, ultimately; in French, “A la longue.” Source: Dictionary of Phrase and…

Longest Broadway Runs

The Phantom of the Opera is there... at the top spot. Broadway has long been a heart of theater and culture, and its most famous productions have had some very long runs. Find the 25 longest…

Brewer's: Cut and Run

Be off as quickly as possible. A sea phrase, meaning cut your cable and run before the wind. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Cut AwayCut and Dry A B C D…

800-Meter Run

800-Meter Run 1896 Edwin Flack, Australia 2:11.00 1900 Alfred Tysoe, Great Britain 2:01.40 1904…

Running High Jump

1896 Ellery Clark, United States 5 ft 11.25 in 1900 Irving Baxter, United States 6 ft 2.75 in…

Home Run Records

The Question: Which baseball players have hit four home runs in one game, and when did they do it? The Answer: Fifteen Major League Baseball…