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Ravalomanana, Marc

(Encyclopedia) Ravalomanana, MarcRavalomanana, Marcmärk rävälōmänänˈ [key], 1949–, Malagasy political leader. He made a fortune manufacturing dairy products and began his political career in 1999…

Temer, Michel

(Encyclopedia) Temer, Michel (Michel Miguel Elias Temer Lulia), 1940–, Brazilian political leader. The son of Lebanese immigrants, he studied law at the Univ. of São Paolo and the Pontifical Univ. of…


(Encyclopedia) morainemorainemərānˈ [key], a formation composed of unsorted and unbedded rock and soil debris called till, which was deposited by a glacier. The till that falls on the sides of a…

Thomson, Peter William

(Encyclopedia) Thomson, Peter William, 1929–2018, Australian golfer. A leading player in European tournaments at a time when Australians had not yet emerged as top golfers, Thomson had a compact…

track and field athletics

(Encyclopedia) track and field athletics or athletics, sports of foot racing, hurdling, jumping, vaulting, and throwing varied weights and objects. They are usually separated into two categories:…

Pinar del Rio, city, Cuba

(Encyclopedia) Pinar del Rio, city (1994 est. pop. 118,000), capital of Pinar del Rio prov., W Cuba. It is linked by rail and highway to Havana and is the center of a road network running through the…


(Encyclopedia) Kouvola, city (1996 pop. 31,986), located in Kymen prov., SE Finland. It is an important railroad junction on the line running from St. Petersburg to Helsinki and a transportation…

Landon, Alfred Mossman

(Encyclopedia) Landon, Alfred Mossman, 1887–1987, U.S. politician, b. West Middlesex, Pa. He was a banker and oil operator before he ran for public office. Landon served (1933–37) as governor of…

Dorsett, Tony

(Encyclopedia) Dorsett, Tony (Anthony Drew Dorsett)Dorsett, Tonydôrˈsət [key], 1954–, American football player, b. Rochester, Pa. The first running back to gain over 6,000 yards in Division I-A, he…

Hoosac Range

(Encyclopedia) Hoosac RangeHoosac Rangeh&oomacr;ˈsək [key], southern continuation of the Green Mts., NW Mass. and SW Vt., running from north to south. Its maximum height is c.3,000 ft (910 m).…