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Home Run Derby for Baseball's 2000 Season

Results of the All-Star Home Run Derby at Turner Field, Atlanta, Ga. on July 10. Avg. refers to the average distance traveled by the home runs, in feet. First Round   No. Long Sammy Sosa…

Home Run Derby for Baseball's 2001 Season

Results of the All-Star Home Run Derby at Safeco Field, Seattle, Wash. on July 9. First Round   No. Long (feet) Jason Giambi, Oakland 14 460 Barry Bonds, San Francisco 7…


(Encyclopedia) Zhupanovsky, compound volcano, 9,705 ft (2,958 m), on the Kamchatka peninsula, Kamchatka Territory, Russia, c.40 mi (65 km) N of Petropavlovsk. Zhupanovsky consists of four…

Bolsonaro, Jair Messias

(Encyclopedia) Bolsonaro, Jair Messias, 1955–, Brazilian political leader. Bolsonaro served in the army from 1973 to 1988, mostly during a period of military dictatorship; he rose to the rank of…


(Encyclopedia) Gabrovo Gabrovo gäbrôˈvô [key], town, N central Bulgaria, in the foothills of the Balkan Mts. It is…


(Encyclopedia) airfoil, surface designed to develop a desired force by reaction with a fluid, especially air, that is flowing across the surface. For example, the fixed wing surfaces of an airplane…

Sierra Nevada, mountain range, Spain

(Encyclopedia) Sierra NevadaSierra Nevadasyāˈrä nāväˈᵺä [key], chief mountain range of S Spain, in Granada prov., running from east to west for c.60 mi (100 km), parallel to the Mediterranean Sea.…