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Santer, Jacques

(Encyclopedia) Santer, Jacques (Jean Jacques Santer)Santer, JacqueszhäN zhäk säNtĕrˈ [key], 1937–, Luxembourg political leader and European statesman. A lawyer and economist, he entered politics as a…


(Encyclopedia) sarcomasarcomasärkōˈmə [key], highly malignant tumor arising in connective- and muscle-cell tissue. It is the result of oncogenes (the cancer causing genes of some viruses) and proto-…


(Encyclopedia) rash, nonspecific term for an eruption of the skin. It may result from skin allergy, skin irritation, or skin disease, or it may be a symptom of a systemic disease like measles,…


(Encyclopedia) sneeze, involuntary violent expiration of air through the nose and mouth. It results from stimulation of the nervous system in the nose, causing sudden contraction of the muscles of…

divining rod

(Encyclopedia) divining rod or dowser, stick used in searching for underground water or minerals. This form of divination is still in common use in many parts of the world. The instrument is…

Fischer, Fritz

(Encyclopedia) Fischer, Fritz, 1908–99, German historian. Appointed professor at the Univ. of Hamburg in 1948 (emeritus after 1973), he became famous as the result of his book Griff nach der…


(Encyclopedia) WartaWartavärˈtä [key], river, c.475 mi (760 km) long, rising in the Jura Krakowska, S Poland, and flowing N and W past Częstochowa and Poznań to the Oder River at Kostrzyn. It is…

Bogoslof Island

(Encyclopedia) Bogoslof IslandBogoslof Islandbōˈgəslôf [key], volcanic islet, c.1.2 mi (.75 km) long, SW Alaska, Aleutian Islands, in the Bering Sea, 61 mi (98 km) NW of Unalaska. The island first…


(Encyclopedia) travertinetravertinetrăvˈərtĭn, –tēn [key], form of massive calcium carbonate, CaCO3, resulting from deposition by springs or rivers. It is often beautifully colored and banded as a…