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Displaying 481 - 490

Higginson, Francis

(Encyclopedia) Higginson, Francis, 1586–1630, American colonial clergyman, b. Leicestershire, England, M.A. Cambridge, 1613. Admitted (1614) to the ministry of the Church of England, he later became…


(Encyclopedia) oblastoblastōˈbläst, ŏˈ–, Rus. ôˈbləstyə [key] [Rus.,=region], administrative and territorial division in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and the former USSR. In the USSR, oblasts in which…


(Encyclopedia) frostbite (chilblains), injury to the tissue caused by exposure to cold, usually affecting the extremities of the body, such as the hands, feet, ears, or nose. Extreme cold causes the…


(Encyclopedia) tunneling, quantum-mechanical effect by which a particle can penetrate a barrier into a region of space that would be forbidden by ordinary classical mechanics. Tunneling is a direct…


(Encyclopedia) island, relatively small body of land surrounded entirely by water. (As the oceans form a continuous mass of water on the earth's surface, all continents are islands in the strict…


(Encyclopedia) sneeze, involuntary violent expiration of air through the nose and mouth. It results from stimulation of the nervous system in the nose, causing sudden contraction of the muscles of…


(Encyclopedia) rash, nonspecific term for an eruption of the skin. It may result from skin allergy, skin irritation, or skin disease, or it may be a symptom of a systemic disease like measles,…

Santer, Jacques

(Encyclopedia) Santer, Jacques (Jean Jacques Santer)Santer, JacqueszhäN zhäk säNtĕrˈ [key], 1937–, Luxembourg political leader and European statesman. A lawyer and economist, he entered politics as a…


(Encyclopedia) sarcomasarcomasärkōˈmə [key], highly malignant tumor arising in connective- and muscle-cell tissue. It is the result of oncogenes (the cancer causing genes of some viruses) and proto-…

Sandys, Edwin

(Encyclopedia) Sandys, EdwinSandys, Edwinsăndz [key], 1516?–1588, English prelate, archbishop of York (1576–88). While a student at Cambridge he turned to Protestantism. On the death (1553) of Edward…