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(Encyclopedia) condensation, in physics, change of a substance from the gaseous (vapor) to the liquid state (see states of matter). Condensation is the reverse of vaporization, or change from liquid…


(Encyclopedia) manslaughter, homicide committed without justification or excuse but distinguished from murder by the absence of the element of malice aforethought. Modern criminal statutes usually…

Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act

(Encyclopedia) Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Act, officially the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985, U.S. budget deficit reduction measure. The law provided for automatic spending cuts…

handball, team

(Encyclopedia) handball, team, or field handball, team court game. Despite its status as an Olympic sport, the game is virtually unknown in the United States. Originated in central Europe in the…


(Encyclopedia) hunchback, abnormal outward curvature of the spine in the thoracic region. It is also known as kyphosis and humpback, and in its severe form a noticeable hump is evident on the back.…


(Encyclopedia) Ibagué Ibagué ēbägāˈ [key], city, alt. 4,300 ft (1,311 m), capital of Tolima dept., W central…


(Encyclopedia) associationism, theory that all consciousness is the result of the combination, in accordance with the law of association, of certain simple and ultimate elements derived from sense…


(Encyclopedia) deliquescencedeliquescencedĕlˌəkwĕsˈəns [key], conversion of a solid substance into a liquid as a result of absorption of water vapor from the air. Since impurities in a solid lower…


(Encyclopedia) dislocation, displacement of a body part, usually a bone. When a bone is dislocated, the ends of opposing bones are usually forced out of connection with one another. In the process,…


(Encyclopedia) kleptomaniakleptomaniaklĕpˌtəmāˈnēə [key] [Gr.,=craze for stealing], irresistible compulsion to steal, motivated by neurotic impulse rather than material need. No specific cause is…