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Burnett, Leo

(Encyclopedia) Burnett, LeoBurnett, Leobərnĕtˈ [key], 1891–1971, American advertising executive, b. St. Johns, Mich., grad. Univ. of Michigan (1914). He was a newspaper reporter and worked in…


(Encyclopedia) tannin,&sp;tannic acid, or gallotannic acid, astringent vegetable product found in a wide variety of plants. Sources include the bark of oak, hemlock, chestnut, and mangrove; the…

Lauder, Estée

(Encyclopedia) Lauder, Estée, 1908?–2004, American cosmetics company founder, b. Corona, Queens, N.Y., as Josephine Esther Mentzer. The daughter of immigrants, she married Joseph Lauter (later…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 argininearginineärˈjənĭn [key], organic compound, one of the 20 amino acids commonly found in animal proteins. Only the l-stereoisomer participates in the biosynthesis of…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Cylinder cylinder, in mathematics, surface generated by a line moving parallel to a given fixed line and continually intersecting a given fixed curve called the directrix; each…

Julian Day calendar

(Encyclopedia) Julian Day calendar, system of astronomical dating that allows the difference between two dates to be calculated more easily than conventional civil calendars with their uneven months…


(Encyclopedia) polyethylenepolyethylenepŏlˌēĕthˈəlēn [key], widely used plastic. It is a polymer of ethylene, CH2=CH2, having the formula (–CH2–CH2–)n, and is produced at high pressures and…

fish curing

(Encyclopedia) fish curing. Methods of curing fish by drying, salting, smoking, and pickling, or by combinations of these processes have been employed since ancient times. On sailing vessels fish…

Vescovo, Victor Lance

(Encyclopedia) Vescovo, Victor Lance, 1966–, American private equity investor and adventurer, b. Dallas, Tex., M.B.A. Harvard, 1994. He was a principal at Lehman Brothers (1991–92), a senior manager…

Borden, Gail

(Encyclopedia) Borden, Gail, 1801–74, American dairyman, surveyor, and inventor, b. Norwich, N.Y. He was for several years a deputy surveyor in Mississippi; afterward he joined the colony of Stephen…