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Paneth, Friedrich Adolf

(Encyclopedia) Paneth, Friedrich AdolfPaneth, Friedrich Adolffrēˈdrĭkh äˈdôlf päˈnĕt [key], 1887–1958, Austrian chemist. He was educated at Vienna, Munich, and Glasgow. He held a number of teaching…


(Encyclopedia) repoussérepoussérəp&oomacr;sāˈ [key], the process or the product of ornamenting metallic surfaces with designs in relief hammered out from the back by hand. Gold and silver are…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 Classes of levers: A first-class lever (A), a second-class lever (B), and a third-class lever (C) lever, simple machine consisting of a bar supported at some stationary point…

computer-aided manufacturing

(Encyclopedia) computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), a form of automation where computers communicate work instructions directly to the manufacturing machinery. The technology evolved from the…

coquilla nut

(Encyclopedia) coquilla nutcoquilla nutkōkēˈyə, kōkēlˈyə [key] [Span.,=little coconut], fruit of a Brazilian palm (Attalea funifera), closely related to the coconut palm. Its fruit, 3 to 4 in. (7.6–…


(Encyclopedia) homogenizationhomogenizationhəmŏjˌənəzāˈshən [key], process in which a mixture is made uniform throughout. Generally this procedure involves reducing the size of the particles of one…

Hitchcock, Lambert

(Encyclopedia) Hitchcock, Lambert, 1795–1852, American chairmaker, b. Cheshire, Conn. In 1818 in Barkhamsted, Conn., Hitchcock established a factory whose employees came to number about 100. The…


(Encyclopedia) MaiduguriMaidugurimīd&oomacr;ˈgərē [key], town (1991 est. pop. 282,000), capital of Borno state, NE Nigeria. The city is an important industrial center engaged in food processing…


(Encyclopedia) mercaptanmercaptanmərkăpˈtăn [key] or thiolthiolthīˈōl [key], any of a class of organic compounds containing the group –SH bonded to a carbon atom. The volatile low-molecular-weight…

Eastman, George

(Encyclopedia) Eastman, George, 1854–1932, American inventor, industrialist, and philanthropist, b. Waterville, N.Y. By mass production of his photographic inventions, Eastman enormously stimulated…