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Durango, city, Mexico

(Encyclopedia) Durango Durango d&oomacr;rängˈgō [key] or Victoria de Durango Victoria…


(Encyclopedia) gelatin or animal jelly, foodstuff obtained from connective tissue (found in hoofs, bones, tendons, ligaments, and cartilage) of vertebrate animals by the action of boiling water or…


(Encyclopedia) biotechnology, the use of biological processes, as through the exploitation and manipulation of living organisms or biological systems, in the development or manufacture of a product…


(Encyclopedia) galvanizing, process of coating a metal, usually iron or steel, with a protective covering of zinc. Galvanized iron is prepared either by dipping iron, from which rust has been removed…


(Encyclopedia) litmus, organic dye usually used in the laboratory as an indicator of acidity or alkalinity (see acids and bases). Naturally pink in color, it turns blue in alkali solutions and red in…


(Encyclopedia) Darjeeling or Darjiling Darjeeling both: därjēlˈĭng [key], town, West…


(Encyclopedia) TroyesTroyestrwä [key], city (1990 pop. 60,755), capital of Aube dept., NE France, on the Seine River. It is an industrial town. Hosiery is the main product. Troyes became an episcopal…

tonka bean

(Encyclopedia) tonka beantonka beantŏngˈkə [key], black-skinned, aromatic, almondlike single seed from the pod of any tall leguminous tree of the genus Dipteryx in the family Leguminosae (pulse…


(Encyclopedia) polynomial, mathematical expression which is a finite sum, each term being a constant times a product of one or more variables raised to powers. With only one variable the general form…


(Encyclopedia) photoengraving, photomechanical process in the graphic arts, used principally for reproducing illustrations. The subject is photographed, and the image is recorded on a sensitized…