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dos Santos, José Eduardo

(Encyclopedia) dos Santos, José Eduardodos Santos, José Eduardozh&oomacr;zĕˈ ēᵺwärˈd&oomacr; d&oomacr;s säNˈt&oomacr;z [key], 1942–, president of Angola (1979–2017). Educated in the…

Aquino, Benigno Simeon Cojuangco, 3d

(Encyclopedia) Aquino, Benigno Simeon Cojuangco, 3d, 1960–2021, Philippine businessman and political leader, son of Benigno Aquino 2d and Corazon Aquino. After earning his college…

Lindsay, Vachel

(Encyclopedia) Lindsay, Vachel (Nicholas Vachel Lindsay)Lindsay, Vachelvāˈchəl [key]Lindsay, Vachel lĭnˈzē [key], 1879–1931, American poet, b. Springfield, Ill., studied at Hiram College, the Art…

Farrell, James Thomas

(Encyclopedia) Farrell, James ThomasFarrell, James Thomasfârˈəl [key], 1904–79, American novelist, b. Chicago. In his fiction Farrell expressed anger against the brutal economic and social conditions…

Ford Foundation

(Encyclopedia) Ford Foundation, philanthropic institution, established (1936) in Michigan by Henry Ford and his son, Edsel, for the general purpose of advancing human welfare. Until 1950 the…

Bond, Julian

(Encyclopedia) Bond, Julian (Horace Julian Bond), 1940–2015, U.S. civil-rights leader, b. Nashville, Tenn. As a student at Morehouse College, he participated in sit-ins at segregated Atlanta…

Bakiyev, Kurmanbek Saliyevich

(Encyclopedia) Bakiyev, Kurmanbek SaliyevichBakiyev, Kurmanbek Saliyevichk&oomacr;rmänbĕkˈ bäkēˈyĕv [key], 1949–, Kyrgyz political leader, president of Kyrgyzstan (2005–2010), b. Masadan. A…

Sen, Amartya Kumar

(Encyclopedia) Sen, Amartya Kumar, 1933–, Indian economist, b. Bengal, Ph.D. Cambridge, 1959. He has taught at Jadavpur Univ.,…

Cleveland, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia) Cleveland. 1 City (2020 pop. 372,674), seat of Cuyahoga co., NE Ohio, on Lake Erie at the mouth of the Cuyahoga River; laid out (1796)…


(Encyclopedia) inductance, quantity that measures the electromagnetic induction of an electric circuit component; it is a property of the component itself rather than of the circuit as a whole. The…