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Displaying 451 - 460

Gill, Sir David

(Encyclopedia) Gill, Sir DavidGill, Sir Davidgĭl [key], 1843–1914, Scottish astronomer, educated at the Univ. of Aberdeen. He made observations of the transits of Venus and Mars and investigated the…

Calvert, Cecilius, 2d Baron Baltimore

(Encyclopedia) Calvert, Cecilius, 2d Baron BaltimoreCalvert, Cecilius, 2d Baron Baltimoresĭsĭlˈēəs [key], c.1605–75, first proprietor of the colony of Maryland. He received the province in 1632 as a…

Caprivi Strip

(Encyclopedia) Caprivi StripCaprivi Stripkäprēˈvē [key] or Caprivi ZipfelCaprivi Zipfeltsĭpˈfəl [key] [Ger. Zipfel=tip, point], region, c.300 mi (480 km) long and 50 mi (80 km) wide, NE Namibia,…


(Encyclopedia) Batumi Batumi bät&oobreve;ˈmĭ [key] or Batum Batum…

Suffren de Saint-Tropez, Pierre André de

(Encyclopedia) Suffren de Saint-Tropez, Pierre André deSuffren de Saint-Tropez, Pierre André depyĕr äNdrāˈ də süfrĕnˈ də săN-trôpāˈ [key], 1726–88, French admiral. He participated in naval warfare in…


(Encyclopedia) TabuaeranTabuaerantəb&oomacr;ˌəĕrˈən [key], atoll (1990 pop. 1,309), c.15 sq mi (40 sq km), central Pacific, one of the Line Islands and part of the Republic of Kiribati. Visited…

Woodstock, cities, United States

(Encyclopedia) Woodstock. 1 City (1990 pop. 14,353) seat of McHenry co., NE Ill.; inc. 1845. In a grain and dairying area, the city has food processing and produces paper products, medical equipment…

Wright, Frances

(Encyclopedia) Wright, Frances (Fanny Wright), 1795–1852, Scottish-American reformer, later known as Mme Darusmont, b. Dundee, Scotland. After her first tour (1818–20) of the United States she wrote…

Bigot, François

(Encyclopedia) Bigot, FrançoisBigot, FrançoisfräNswäˈ bēgōˈ [key], 1703–77?, intendant of New France (1748–59), b. Bordeaux, France. At Louisburg, where he served (1739–45) as commissary, it has been…


(Encyclopedia) YaltaYaltayŏlˈtə [key], city (1989 pop. 89,000), in S Crimea, on the Black Sea. Picturesquely situated near the seashore, Yalta is on the site of an ancient Greek colony. It is the…