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Chester, city, United States

(Encyclopedia) Chester, city (2020 pop. 32,605), Delaware co., SE Pa., on the Delaware River south of Philadelphia; settled c.1644 by Swedes, inc. as a…

Albany Congress

(Encyclopedia) Albany Congress, 1754, meeting at Albany, N.Y., of commissioners representing seven British colonies in North America to treat with the Iroquois, chiefly because war with France…

East India Company, Dutch

(Encyclopedia) East India Company, Dutch, 1602–1798, chartered by the States-General of the Netherlands to expand trade and assure close relations between the government and its colonial enterprises…

Duffy, Sir Charles Gavan

(Encyclopedia) Duffy, Sir Charles Gavan, 1816–1903, Irish-Australian statesman. He founded (1842) the Nation, a patriotic Irish literary journal. Duffy agitated for the repeal of the union of Ireland…

Gardiner, Sir Christopher

(Encyclopedia) Gardiner, Sir Christopher, fl. 1630–32, figure in the early history of the Massachusetts Bay colony. When the Puritans arrived in Massachusetts Bay in 1630, they found that Gardiner…

Ga, black African ethnic group

(Encyclopedia) GaGagä [key], black African ethnic group, SE Ghana. The Ga speak a Kwa language and, together with the closely related Adangme, number over 1 million. Inheritance and succession to…


(Encyclopedia) Butaritari Butaritari bətärēˈtärē [key], also known as Makin Butaritari…

Beresford, William Carr Beresford, Viscount

(Encyclopedia) Beresford, William Carr Beresford, Viscount, 1768–1854, British general. He served with distinction in Egypt (1801–3) and participated (1806) in the capture of Cape Colony (later Cape…


(Encyclopedia) Westminster. 1 Residential city (1990 pop. 78,118), Orange co., S Calif.; founded 1870 as a temperance colony for Presbyterians, inc. 1957. It has several industrial parks. Naval…

Torrens, Sir Robert Richard

(Encyclopedia) Torrens, Sir Robert RichardTorrens, Sir Robert Richardtŏrˈənz [key], 1814–84, Australian statesman, b. Ireland. Son of Col. Robert Torrens (1780–1864), one of the founders of South…