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Anatomy and
Physiology: ECG: Measuring a Beat

ECG: Measuring a BeatAnatomy and PhysiologyThe HeartAnatomy of the HeartThe Four ChambersThe Heart's Own BloodECG: Measuring a Beat The electrical conductivity that is an inherent part of the…

Natural Disasters in Texas

Source: iStockFrom blistering wildfires and devastating hurricanes to snow blizzards and flash floods, Texas has it all. The wide range of natural disasters that happen in the Lone Star State is…


Cite Michael Faraday, painted here in his lab, was a pioneer in chemistry and physics. His greatest work was with electricity. Chemistry is, at its most basic, the science of what stuff is made of…

Back to School Center

Calculate Distance Latitude and Longitude Roman Numeral Challenge Spelling Challenge Conversion Calculator Word Quiz: opprobrium Periodic Table…

Financial Aid Glossary

by Kay Peterson, Ph.D., Academic Year The period in which school is in session - typically September through May. Accrual Date The date on which interest charges on an…

Formidable Fungus

According to recent research by archaeologists at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the well-dressed Ice Age woman's outfit doesn't resemble anything like the crude hide and fur…

Morton, David

Morton, David[1886-1957](3)Born in Elkton, Ky., Feb. 21, 1886. Educated in the public schools of Louisville, Ky., and at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn., where he graduated with the…

Largest Dinosaur:

Argentinosaurus hinculensis Argentinosaurus (c) Joe Tucciarone Meaning of Name:“Argentinian lizard”Period:Cretaceous Period (138 million to 65 million years ago)Size:35 - 45 meters…