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Troodontids Meaning of Name: “wounding tooth”Period:Cretaceous Period (138 million to 65 million years ago) Size: 2 - 3.5 meters longWeight:50kg Location:Canada, Montana, Wyoming…

Punctuation: The Comma: A Major Player

The Comma: A Major PlayerPunctuationPunctuation MattersPeriod, Question Mark, Exclamation Mark: The End of the LineThe Comma: A Major PlayerThe Semicolon: Love Child of the Comma and the PeriodThe…

Temporary names of elements

The Question: Where do temporary names of new elements come from? The Answer: If you look at a recent periodic table of the elements, you'll probably see a few…

Best Defense:

AnkylosaurusMeaning of Name:“bent; crooked lizard”Period:Cretaceous Period (138 million to 65 million years ago)Size: 4 - 9 meters long Location: Texas, Antarctica, Utah, and Argentina Not…

The Devil's Dictionary: Peace

by Ambrose Bierce PATRIOTISMPEDESTRIANPEACE -n. In international affairs, a period of cheating between two periods of fighting. O, what's the loud uproar assailing Mine ears…

Pollen Count Trends?

The Question: Where can I find info about average pollen counts over the year, instead of the daily forcast? The Answer: A daily count of…

Classification of the Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs (“terrible lizards”) belong to a large group of reptiles called Archosauria (“ruling reptiles”). They are classified into two distinct orders, which are distinguished by their pelvic…

Largest Carnivore:

Giganotosaurus carolinii Meaning of Name: “giant southern lizard” Period:Cretaceous Period (138 million to 65 million years ago) Size: 13.5 - 14.3 meters long; head 165 cm Weight: 7- 8 metric…

Widest Dinosaur:

Ankylosaurus magniventrisAnkylosaurus(c) Joe Tucciarone Meaning of Name:“bent/crooked lizard”Period:Cretaceous Period (138 million to 65 million years ago)Size: 4 - 9 meters longLocation:…

First Discovered:

IguanodonMeaning of Name:“iguana tooth”Period: Triassic Period (240 to 205 million years ago)Size: 9 - 10 meters longWeight: 4.5 - 5.5 metric tonsLocation:England, Belgium, Germany, Spain,…