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(Encyclopedia) marsupialmarsupialmärs&oomacr;ˈpēəl [key], member of the order Marsupialia, or pouched mammals. With the exception of the New World opossums and an obscure S American family (…


(Encyclopedia) manganesemanganesemăngˈgənēs, mănˈ– [key] [Lat.,=magnet], metallic chemical element; symbol Mn; at. no. 25; at. wt. 54.93805; m.p. about 1,244℃; b.p. about 1,962℃; sp. gr. 7.2 to 7.45…


(Encyclopedia) menstruation, periodic flow of blood and cells from the lining of the uterus in humans and most other primates, occurring about every 28 days in women. Menstruation commences at…


(Encyclopedia) zirconiumzirconiumzərkōˈnēəm [key], metallic chemical element; symbol Zr; at. no. 40; at. wt. 91.224; m.p. about 1,852℃; b.p. 4,377℃; sp. gr. 6.5 at 20℃; valence +2, +3, or +4.…


(Encyclopedia) berylliumberylliumbərĭlˈēəm [key] [from beryl ], metallic chemical element; symbol Be; at. no. 4; at. wt. 9.01218; m.p. about 1,278℃; b.p. 2,970℃ (estimated); sp. gr. 1.85 at 20℃;…

Famous Presidential Speeches

Fireside chats, inaugural speeches, war declarations, and more George Washington First Inaugural AddressFarewell Address Thomas Jefferson First Inaugural Address Abraham Lincoln Gettysburg…

The Royal Family Tree

Click on a royal family member to read the complete biography by David Johnson Related Links More Royal Family FeaturesQueen Mum Turns 100!How To Get Your Own Royal TitleKingdoms and Monarchs of…

The Dead Sea Scrolls

The first of the Dead Sea Scroll discoveries occurred in 1947 in Qumran, a village situated about twenty miles east of Jerusalem on the northwest shore of the Dead Sea. A young Bedouin shepherd,…

Geology of the Grand Canyon: Weathering.

CORRASION.WEATHERING.The work of corrasion is limited to the cutting of narrow gashes in the strata, and the grinding up of the fragments brought into the river channels. The widening of…