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Displaying 461 - 470

Sara Teasdale: Old Tunes

Old TunesAs the waves of perfume, heliotrope, rose, Float in the garden when no wind blows, Come to us, go from us, whence no one knows;So the old tunes float in my mind, And go from me…

Christina Rossetti: Gone for Ever

Gone for EverO happy rose-bud blooming Upon thy parent tree, Nay, thou art too presuming; For soon the earth entombing Thy faded charms shall be, And the chill damp consuming.O happy…

Margaret Widdemer: Song

SongMargaret WiddemerThe Spring will come when the year turns, As if no Winter had been, But what shall I do with a locked heart That lets no new year in?The birds will go when the Fall…

Amy Lowell: A Fixed Idea

A Fixed IdeaWhat torture lurks within a single thought When grown too constant, and however kind, However welcome still, the weary mind Aches with its presence. Dull remembrance taught…

Poem: Apocalypse

Poem 41 Poem 43 Apocalypse I'm wife; I've finished that, That other state; I'm Czar, I'm woman now: It's safer so. How odd the girl's life looks Behind this soft eclipse! I think that…

Aesop's Fables: The Oxen and the Butchers

by Aesop The Soldier and His HorseThe Wolf and the LionThe Oxen and the Butchers Once upon a time the Oxen determined to be revenged upon the Butchers for the havoc they wrought in their…

Aesop's Fables: The Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf

by Aesop The Ass and His BurdensThe Fox and the GoatThe Shepherd's Boy and the Wolf A Shepherd's Boy was tending his flock near a village, and thought it would be great fun to hoax the…