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Displaying 431 - 440

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: March 8, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark March 7, 1806March 9, 1806March 8, 1806 Saturday March 8th 1806. Bratton is much better today, his back gives him but little pain. Collins…

The Hunting of the Snark: The Beaver's Lesson

The Hunting The Barrister's Dream The Beaver's Lesson They sought it with thimbles, they sought it with care; They pursued it with forks and hope; They threatened its life with…

Tao Te Ching: Chapter 6

Daodejing (Tao Te Ching) by Laozi, trans. James Legge Chapter 5 Chapter 7 Chapter 6 1 The valley spirit dies not, aye the same; The female mystery thus do we name. Its gate, from which at…

Sara Teasdale: In the End

In the EndAll that could never be said, All that could never be done, Wait for us at last Somewhere back of the sun;All the heart broke to forego Shall be ours without pain, We shall take…

Sara Teasdale: White Fog

White FogHeaven-invading hills are drowned In wide moving waves of mist, Phlox before my door are wound In dripping wreaths of amethyst.Ten feet away the solid earth Changes into melting…

Style & Substance

CBSSpring Midseason ReplacementMonday 9:30–10:00 p.m.Cast: Jean Smart, Nancy McKeon, Joseph Maher, Linda Kash and Heath Hyche Like Martha Stewart, whom the show obviously and lightheartedly…

Treating Frostbite

Most frequently frostbitten: toes, fingers, nose, and ears. It is caused by exposure to cold. Signs/Symptoms—(1) Skin becomes pale or a grayish-yellow color. (2) Parts feel cold and numb. (3…