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Displaying 441 - 450

John Keats: Translated from Ronsard

To J. H. Reynolds, Esq.Translated from Ronsard Nature withheld Cassandra in the skies For more adornment a full thousand years; She took their cream of Beauty’s fairest dyes, And shap’d…

Al Oerter Biography

discus throwerDied: October 1, 2007 (Fort Myers Beach, Florida) Best Known as: gold medalist in four consecutive Olympic Games Former Olympic discus thrower…

Christina Rossetti: Song ("When I am dead")

SongWhen I am dead, my dearest, Sing no sad songs for me; Plant thou no roses at my head, Nor shady cypress tree: Be the green grass above me With showers and dewdrops wet; And if thou…

Charles Hanson Towne: Of One Self-Slain

Of One Self-SlainCharles Hanson TowneWhen he went blundering back to God, His songs half written, his work half done, Who knows what paths his bruised feet trod, What hills of peace or pain…

Poems by Emily Dickinson: The Book of Martyrs

by EmilyDickinsonDawnThe Mystery of PainThe Book of Martyrs The Book of Martyrs Read, sweet, how others strove, Till we are stouter; What they renounced, Till we are less afraid; How many…

Poems by Emily Dickinson: LIII

by EmilyDickinsonThirstCharlotte Brontí«'s GraveLIII A clock stopped — not the mantel's; Geneva's farthest skill Can't put the puppet bowing That just now dangled still. An awe came…

Poems by Emily Dickinson: The Test

by EmilyDickinsonTriumphantEscapeThe Test The Test I can wade grief, Whole pools of it, — I 'm used to that. But the least push of joy Breaks up my feet, And I tip — drunken. Let no pebble…