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Brewer's: Only

(The). Jean Paul Friedrich Richter (1763-1825). Carlyle says, “In the whole circle of literature we look in vain for his parallel.” (German, Der Einzige.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase…

Asian Food Primer: Korean Food

by David Johnson Asian Foods Guide Common ingredients and popular dishes of various cultures. IntroductionEast Asia ChinaJapanKorea MongoliaTibetPacific Region FijiHawaiiPapua New…

Cook Metric!

Just Say "Yum" to Metric Measures by Holly Hartman Conversion Help CookingTemperature* Length/Distance** Don't look now—but your kitchen is full of math. When you make a recipe, you…

Asian Food Primer: Nepali Food

by David Johnson Asian Foods Guide Common ingredients and popular dishes of various cultures. IntroductionEast Asia ChinaJapanKoreaMongoliaTibetPacific Region FijiHawaiiPapua New…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 23, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 22, 1806May 24, 1806May 23, 1806 Friday May 23rd 1806. Sergt. Pryor wounded a deer early this morning in a lick near camp; my dog pursud it…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: June 3, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark June 2, 1806June 4, 1806June 3, 1806 Tuesday June 3rd 1806. Our invalids are all on the recovery; Bratton is much stronger and can walk about…

Brewer's: Salacacabia

or Salacacaby of Apicius. An uneatable soup of great pretensions. King, in his Art of Cookery, gives the recipe of this soup: “Bruise in a mortar parsley-seed, dried peneryal, dried mint,…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 16, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 15, 1806May 17, 1806May 16, 1806 Friday May 16th 1806. Drewyer's horse left his camp last night and was brought to us this morning by an…