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(Encyclopedia) soup, liquid food in which different kinds of solid food have been cooked, e.g., meat, fish, fowl, vegetables, cereals, or fruit. Many soups are peculiar to certain localities, e.g.,…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: May 30, 1806

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark May 29, 1806May 31, 1806May 30, 1806 Friday May 30th 1806. Lapage and Charbono set out to the indian vilages early this morning for the purpose…

Food Around the World

by Beth Rowen Related Links Fun Facts About Food Near and Far Feast and Fast Who grows the most? bobotie (…

Tongue Twisters

Twenty Tongue-Tying Twisters Tongue twisters became popular in the 1800s as a way of practicing diction, and were first called "tongue twisters" at the turn of the century. They're still a fun way…

The Science of SpongeBob

Important questions about life in his benthic community by Holly Hartman More on SpongeBob SpongeBob FactsQuiz: SpongeBob SquarePantsOther Cool Stuff Sea LifeSpongesFantastic Animal…

Bean Soup in the Senate

The Question: Is it true that the Senate restaurants all serve bean soup everyday? The Answer: Believe it or not, yes. According to the Senate web site,…

Hot Dog History

  In honor of National Hot Dog Month, some answers to those dogging questions During the July 4th weekend, Americans will consume 155 million hot dogs. (Source/National Hot Dog and Sausage Council…