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Brewer's: Squab Pie

Pie made of squabs—i.e. young pigeons; also a pie made of mutton, apples, and onions. Cornwall squab-pie, and Devon white-pot brings. And Leicester beans and bacon, fit for kings. King:…

Brewer's: Salmagundi

A mixture of minced veal, chicken, or turkey, anchovies or pickled herrings, and onions, all chopped together, and served with lemon-juice and oil; said to be so called from Salmagondi,…

Asian Food Primer: Mongolian Food

by David Johnson Asian Foods Guide Common ingredients and popular dishes of various cultures. IntroductionEast Asia ChinaJapanKoreaMongolia TibetPacific Region FijiHawaiiPapua New…

Asian Food Primer: Cambodian Food

by David Johnson Asian Foods Guide Common ingredients and popular dishes of various cultures. IntroductionEast Asia ChinaJapanKoreaMongoliaTibetPacific Region FijiHawaiiPapua New…

Brewer's: Irish Stew

A dish of food made by stewing together meat, onions, and potatoes. Called “Irish” from the predominance of potatoes. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Irish…

Brewer's: Fagots

Cakes made of the “insides” of pigs, with thyme, scraps of pork, sage onions, and other herbs, fried together in grease, and eaten with potatoes. (Greek, phago, to eat.) Source:…