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  Illinois State Information Capital: Springfield Official Name: State of Illinois Organized as a territory/republic: February 3, 1809 Entered Union (21): December 3, 1818 (21st state) Present…

Lewis & Clark: A the Heart of the Continent

by NoahBrooks To the Great Falls of the MissouriAt the Sources of the MissouriA the Heart of the Continent Captain Clark continued his observations up the long series of…


  Utah State Information Capital: Salt Lake City Official Name: Utah Organized as a territory/republic: September 9, 1850 Entered Union (rank): January 4, 1896 (45th state)  Present…

A the Heart of the Continent

Chapter 10 Chapter 12 A the Heart of the Continent Captain Clark continued his observations up the long series of rapids and falls until he came to a group of three small…

New Mexico

(Encyclopedia) CE5 New Mexico, state in the SW United States. At its northwestern corner are the so-called Four Corners, where Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah meet at right angles; New…

Niger, country, Africa

(Encyclopedia) CE5 NigerNigernīˈjər, nēzhârˈ [key], officially Republic of Niger, republic (2015 est. pop. 18,045,729), 489,189 sq mi (1,267,000 sq km), W Africa. It borders on Burkina Faso and…

Oregon, state, United States

(Encyclopedia) CE5 OregonOregonŏrˈĭgən, –gŏn [key], state in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. It is bordered by Washington, largely across the Columbia River (N), Idaho, partially…

500 Songs That Shaped Rock

James Henke, chief curator for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, with the help of music writers and critics, selected 500 songs (not only rock songs) that they believe have been most…