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1922–2007 Newbery Medal Winners

1922The Story of Mankind, Hendrick Willem Van Loon1923The Voyages of Dr. Doolittle, Hugh A. Lofting1924The Dark Frigate, Charles Boardman Hawes1925Tales from Silver Lands, Charles Joseph…


(Encyclopedia) wool, fiber made from the fleece of the domestic sheep. In the United States, by the Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939, the term wool may be applied only to fabrics made…

Walt Whitman: Song of Myself, Part 33

Part 33Space and Time! now I see it is true, what I guess'd at, What I guess'd when I loaf'd on the grass, What I guess'd while I lay alone in my bed, And again as I walk'd the beach under…

2006 Webby Awards

Activism:Youthink!: Arts:MoMA: Contemporary Voices: Associations:Cotton Inc—Team Cotton:…

Ten Tips for Staying Lean

1. Curb calorie density Does fat make you fat? For years, popular diet books assured the chubby masses that a low-fat diet was the key to weight loss. They…

Amy Lowell: Part Second

Part Second Herr Concert-Meister Altgelt played, And the four strings of his violin Were spinning like bees on a day in Spring. The notes rose into the wide sun-mote Which…

Camping with the Nez Perces

Chapter 21 Chapter 23 Camping with the Nez Perces Soon after they had fixed their camp, the explorers bade farewell to their good friend Tunnachemootoolt and his young men, who…

Lewis & Clark: Camping with the Nez Perces

by NoahBrooks Overland east of the ColumbiaCrossing the Bitter Root MountainsCamping with the Nez Perces Soon after they had fixed their camp, the explorers bade farewell…