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Heisenberg, Werner

(Encyclopedia) Heisenberg, WernerHeisenberg, Wernervĕrˈnər hīˈzənbĕrk [key], 1901–76, German physicist. One of the founders of the quantum theory, he is best known for his uncertainty principle, or…

Rickover, Hyman George

(Encyclopedia) Rickover, Hyman George, 1900–1986, American admiral, b. Russia. In World War II he served as head of the electrical section of the navy's Bureau of Ships. After the war he was assigned…

atomic bomb

(Encyclopedia) atomic bomb or A-bomb, weapon deriving its explosive force from the release of nuclear energy through the fission (splitting) of heavy atomic nuclei. The first atomic bomb was produced…

Strategic Air Command

(Encyclopedia) Strategic Air Command (SAC), former command of the U.S. air force (see Air Force, United States Department of the) charged with organizing, training, equipping, administering, and…

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

(Encyclopedia) Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, scientific research centers run by the Univ. of California, located in Berkeley, Calif., and Livermore…

ElBaradei, Mohamed

(Encyclopedia) ElBaradei, MohamedElBaradei, Mohamedĕlbäräˈdā [key], 1942–, Egyptian lawyer and United Nations diplomat, b. Cairo, grad. Univ. of Cairo (1962), New York Univ. School of Law (1974). He…

chain reaction

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Chain reaction: A neutron (n) strikes the uranium nucleus (U-235), causing it to split into fission products A and B and release two neutrons. These neutrons can in turn cause…

cold fusion

(Encyclopedia) cold fusion or low-temperature fusion, nuclear fusion of deuterium, an isotope of hydrogen, at or relatively near room temperature. Fusion, the reaction involved in the release of the…


(Encyclopedia) Dimona Dimona dīmōˈnə [key] [Heb.,=wasting], town, S Israel, in the Negev Desert. It is…