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Brewer's: Eager

or eagre. Sharp, keen, acid; the French aigre. (Latin, crude form, acr- “acer,” sharp.) It doth posset And curd, like eager droppings into milk. Shakespeare: Hamlet, i. 5. “Vex him with…

Brewer's: Dobbin

A steady old horse, a child's horse. Dobby, a silly old man. Dobbies, house-elves similar to brownies. All these are one and the same word. The dobbies lived in the house, were very thin…

Brewer's: Coffee

The Turkish word is Kauhi, Kauveh or Kauvey. Coffee. In Ardennes ten cups of coffee are taken after dinner, and each cup has its special name. (1) Café (2) Gloria, (3) Pousse Café (4)…

Brewer's: Love-in-Idleness

One of the numerous names of the pansy or hearts-ease. Originally white, but changed to a purple colour by the fall of Cupid's bolt upon it. Yet marked I where the bolt of Cupid fell. It…

Brewer's: Patten

Martha or Patty, says Gay, was the daughter of a Lincolnshire farmer, with whom the village blacksmith fell in love. To save her from wet feet when she went to milk the cows, the village…

Brewer's: Tuba

[ happiness ]. A tree of Paradise, of gigantic proportions, whose branches stretch out to those who wish to gather their produce; not only all luscious fruits, but even the flesh of birds…

Brewer's: Skedaddle

To run away, to be scattered in rout. The Scotch apply the word to the milk spilt over the pail in carrying it. During the late American war, the New York papers said the Southern forces…

Brewer's: Sice

(1 syl.). A sizing, an allowance of bread and butter. “He'll print for a sice.” In the University of Cambridge the men call the pound loaf, two inches of butter, and pot of milk allowed…

Brewer's: Thistle

(The). The species called Silybum Marianum, we are told, owes the white markings on its leaves to the milk of the Virgin Mary, some of which fell thereon and left a white mark behind. (See…

Brewer's: Thorns

Calvin (Admonitio de Reliquiis) gives a long list of places claiming to possess one or more of the thorns which composed the Saviour's crown. To his list may be added Glastonbury Abbey,…