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Brewer's: Median Stone

(The). Said to cure blindness, and, if soaked in ewe's milk, to cure the gout. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894MedicineMedian Apples A B C D E F G H…

Brewer's: Q.P

Quantum placet. Two letters used in prescriptions, meaning the quantity may be as little or much as you like. Thus, in a cup of tea we might say “Milk and suger q.p.” Source: Dictionary…

Asian Food Primer: Laotian Food

by David Johnson Asian Foods Guide Common ingredients and popular dishes of various cultures. IntroductionEast Asia ChinaJapanKoreaMongoliaTibetPacific Region FijiHawaiiPapua New…

Asian Food Primer: Mongolian Food

by David Johnson Asian Foods Guide Common ingredients and popular dishes of various cultures. IntroductionEast Asia ChinaJapanKoreaMongolia TibetPacific Region FijiHawaiiPapua New…

Asian Food Primer: Bengali Food

by David Johnson Asian Foods Guide Common ingredients and popular dishes of various cultures. IntroductionEast Asia ChinaJapanKoreaMongoliaTibetPacific Region FijiHawaiiPapua New…

Brewer's: Felix

a monk who listens to the singing of a milk-white bird for a thousand years, which seemed to him “but a single hour,” so enchanted was he by the song. (Longfellow: The Golden Legend.)…

Brewer's: Gotch

A large stone jug with a handle (Norfolk). Fetch the gotch, mor—i.e. fetch the great water-jug, lassie. “A gotch of milk I've been to fill.” Bloomfield: Richard and Kate. Source:…

Svetasvatara Upanishad: First Adhyâya

1. The Brahma-students say: Is Brahman the cause? Whence are we born? Whereby do we live, and whither do we go? O ye who know Brahman, (tell us) at whose command we abide, whether in pain or in…