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Anatomy and
Physiology: The Heart

The HeartAnatomy and PhysiologyThe HeartAnatomy of the HeartThe Four ChambersThe Heart's Own BloodECG: Measuring a Beat Valentine's Day, at least the greeting card variety, has forever done the…

Brewer's: Gloria

A cup of coffee with brandy in it instead of milk. Sweetened to taste. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894Gloria in ExcelsisGlobe of Glass A B C D E F G…

Harvest Time

Harvest TimeFor a year Jo and her Professor worked and waited, hoped and loved, met occasionally, and wrote such voluminous letters that the rise in the price of paper was accounted for,…

A Merry Christmas

A Merry ChristmasJo was the first to wake in the gray dawn of Christmas morning. No stockings hung at the fireplace, and for a moment she felt as much disappointed as she did long ago, when…

San Francisco

(Encyclopedia) San Francisco San Francisco săn frănsĭsˈkō [key], city (2020 pop. 873,965), coextensive with San…

Aeolus, the Laestrygones, Circe - The Odyssey

Ulysses Declares Himself and ... The Visit to the Dead. [1] Aeolus, the Laestrygones, Circe. "Thence we went on to the Aeolian island where lives Aeolus son of Hippotas, dear to…

Walt Whitman: A Woman Waits for Me

A Woman Waits for MeA woman waits for me, she contains all, nothing is lacking, Yet all were lacking if sex were lacking, or if the moisture of the right man were lacking.Sex contains all…

Brewer's: Boa

Pliny says the word is from bos (a cow), and arose from the supposition that the boa sucked the milk of cows. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894BoanergesBo-…

Brewer's: Bonnyclabber

A drink made of beer and buttermilk. (Irish, bainne, milk; claba, thick or thickened.) With beer and buttermilk, mingled together, ... To drink such ... bonny-clapper. Ben Jonson: The New…