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Brewer's: Lady Isabella

the beloved daughter of a noble lord, accompanied her father and mother on a chase one day, when her step-mother requested her to return and tell the master-cook to prepare “the milk-white…

Brewer's: Heart's Ease

The viola tricolor. It has a host of fancy names; as, the “Butterfly flower,” “Kiss me quick,” a “Kiss behind the garden gate,” “Love in idleness,” “Pansy,” “Three faces under one hood,”…

Song of Solomon: 4

Song of Solomon Chapter 4 1 Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thou hast doves' eyes within thy locks: thy hair is as a flock of goats, that appear from mount…


(Encyclopedia) vitamin, group of organic substances that are required in the diet of humans and animals for normal growth, maintenance of life, and normal reproduction. Vitamins act as catalysts;…

Menacing Monster Guide

/* /*]]>*/ by David Johnson Monster Mania! Halloween Tricksters and TreatsQuiz: MonstersMonster JokesMonsters and Imaginary BeastsThe Terrifying Truth about Dracula Top 10 All-Time…

Save the Chickens?

Many farm animals are in danger of extinction by David Johnson According to the BBC, certain types of chickens are in danger of extinction. ( Related Links Threatened…

Sweet Easter Facts

$2.26 billion of Easter candy bought Infoplease Poll How should you eat a chocolate bunny? Related Links Easter Features Movable Feasts Fabergé Eggs Tale of Two Easters…

Brewer's: Butter

Soft soap, soft solder (pron. saw-der), “wiping down” with winning words. Punch expressively calls it “the milk of human kindness churned into butter.” (Anglo-Saxon, butere or butyre,…

Brewer's: Relics

A writer in the Twentieth Century (1892, article ROME) says: “Some of the most astounding relics are officially shown in Rome, and publicly adored by the highest dignitaries of the…