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Healthy Heart I.Q.—Answers

True. High blood pressure, smoking, and high blood cholesterol are the three most important risk factors for heart disease. On the average, each one doubles your chance of developing heart…

The Devil's Dictionary: Youth

by Ambrose Bierce YOKEYOUTH -n. The Period of Possibility, when Archimedes finds a fulcrum, Cassandra has a following and seven cities compete for the honor of endowing a living Homer…

Wild Side

Nulmage; $13.95Feature; R/NRDirector: Donald CammellCast: Anne Heche, Christopher Walken, Joan Chen and Stephen Bauer “Do I look like I have tendencies?” asks Heche's character, a banker by…

Beck Midnite Vultures

Midnite Vultures DGC With horns blaring over funky rhythms that recall early Prince or even George Clinton, Beck's latest incarnation as a soul brother is one of his most bizarre. The kingbee of…

Aesop's Fables: The Wolf and the Lamb

by Aesop The Horse and the Groom The Peacock and the Crane The Wolf and the Lamb A Wolf came upon a Lamb straying from the flock, and felt some compunction about taking the life of so…

The Bread Basket of Europe

The Question: Why is Ukraine called the "bread basket of Europe?" The Answer: The rich dark soil and the vast fields of wheat and other food…

Guide to Fats

—by Eleanor MayfieldSource: The U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationFats and Fatty Acids CholesterolTriglycerides and VLDL Once upon a time, we didn't know anything about fat except that it made…


Fish breathe through gills, and live in water; most are cold-blooded and lay eggs (although sharks give birth to live young).Amphibians are cold-blooded and live both on land (breathing with…

Deuteronomy: 26

Deuteronomy Chapter 26 1 And it shall be, when thou art come in unto the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance, and possessest it, and dwellest therein; 2…