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Displaying 201 - 210

Brewer's: Flat-fish

He is a regular flat-fish. A dull, stupid fellow, not up to anything. The play is upon flat (stupid), and such fish as plaice, dabs, and soles. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: June 24, 1804

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark June 23, 1804June 25, 1804June 24, 1804 Sunday June 24th set out at 1/2 after six continuing the course on the Lard. side N. 80 E 1/4 of a mile…

Brewer's: Audhumla

[the nourishing power ], in Scandinavian mythology, is the cow created by Surt to nourish Ymir. She supplied him with four rivers of milk, and was herself nourished by licking the rocks. (…

Brewer's: Bristol Fashion

(In). Methodical and orderly. More generally “Shipshape and Bristol fashion.” “In the great mass meeting, October 18th, 1884, a route of above three miles was observed in one unbroken line…

Brewer's: Buttercups

So called because they were once supposed to increase the butter of milk. No doubt those cows give the best milk that pasture in fields where buttercups abound, not because these flowers…

Brewer's: Pig and Whistle

The bowl and wassail, or the wassail-cup and wassail. A piggen is a pail, especially a milk-pail; and a pig is a small bowl, cup, or mug, making “milk and wassail;” similar to the modern…

Brewer's: Soil

To take soil. A hunting term, signifying that the deer has taken to the water. Soil, in French, is the mire in which a wild boar wallows. (Danish, sol, mire; Swedish, söla, to wallow.)…

Brewer's: Milesians

(The). The ancient Irish. The legend is that Ireland was once peopled by the Firbolgs, who were subdued by the Milesians, called the “Gaels of Ireland.” “My family, by my father's side,…

Hebrews: 5

Hebrews Chapter 5 1 For every high priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins: 2 Who can…

Brewer's: Britain

By far the most probable derivation of this word is that given by Bochart, from the Phoenician Baratanic (country of tin), contracted into B'ratan'. The Greek Cassiterides (tin islands) is…