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Vegetarian Diets and Nutritional Requirements

Some Americans eat vegetarian diets for reasons of culture, belief, or health. Most vegetarians eat milk products and eggs, and as a group, these lacto-ovo-vegetarians enjoy excellent health…

Jay Schulberg 2005 Deaths

Jay SchulbergAge: 65 advertising executive responsible for such memorable ads as American Express's “Don't leave home without it” and the milk industry's campaign that featured celebrities…

Fats, Carbohydrates, Protein

Protein helps the body grow, builds muscle and give us energy. Protein-rich foods include meats, eggs, avocado, nuts and beans. Carbohydrates are sugars that the body uses for energy…

Eloise in Moscow

More Impish Fun? "Oh definitely Da" by Holly Hartman "Weenie's coat was made of porcupine which was rawther sweet He got it especially for the trip They treated him like a dog…

Brewer's: Hind

Emblematic of St. Giles, because “a heaven-directed hind went daily to give him milk in the desert, near the mouth of the Rhone.” (See Hart.) The hind of Sertorius. Sertorius was invited…

Science Projects: The Sweetest Experiment

The Sweetest ExperimentScience ProjectsJust for the Fun of It!Making Invisible InkMaking Eggs That BounceDo Odor and Bacteria Go Hand-in-Hand?The Sweetest Experiment The town of Hershey,…

Walt Whitman: Patroling Barnegat

Patroling BarnegatWild, wild the storm, and the sea high running, Steady the roar of the gale, with incessant undertone muttering, Shouts of demoniac laughter fitfully piercing and pealing,…