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About Adam

Director/Writer:Gerard StembridgeWriter:StembridgeMiramax Films; R; 98 minutesRelease:5/01Cast:Stuart Townsend, Kate Hudson, Frances O'Conner Stuart Townsend plays About Adam's title…

Gracie Bowers PFOST, Congress, ID (1906-1965)

PFOST Gracie Bowers , a Representative from Idaho; born in Harrison, Boone County, Ark., March 12, 1906; moved with her parents to a farm in the Boise Valley, Idaho, in 1911; attended the public…

Firsts in America

This selection is based on our editorial judgment. Other sources may list different firsts. Admiral in U.S. Navy: David Glasgow Farragut,…

300 Million Americans

The 300 millionth American was born in October 2006 by the U.S. Census Bureau Who was the 300 millionth American? Related Links Year Page: 2006Year Page: 1967Year Page: 1915Life…

Cloning Milestones

Scientists hope that the advances in the cloning process can bring back animals that are nearly extinct Cloned bull named Got AP Photo/I.Lopez 1938Cloning…

Exodus: 3

Exodus Chapter 3 1 Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God,…


(Encyclopedia) CE5 A. Upper and lower teeth of an adult B. Cross section of a molar teeth, hard, calcified structures embedded in the bone of the jaws of vertebrates that perform the primary…

Williams, Tennessee

(Encyclopedia) Williams, Tennessee (Thomas Lanier Williams), 1911–83, American dramatist, b. Columbus, Miss., grad. State Univ. of Iowa, 1938. One of America's foremost 20th-century playwrights and…


(Encyclopedia) restaurant, a commerical establishment where meals can be bought and eaten. In the 16th cent. English inns and taverns began to serve one meal a day at a fixed time and price, at a…