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(Encyclopedia) rennet, substance containing rennin, an enzyme having the property of clotting, or curdling, milk. It is used in the making of cheese and junket. Rennet is obtained from the stomachs…

Milk, Harvey

(Encyclopedia) Milk, Harvey, 1931–78, U.S. politician and gay-rights activist. When elected (1977) to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, he was the first acknowledged homosexual to win high…

Guernsey cattle

(Encyclopedia) Guernsey cattle, breed of dairy cattle developed on the islands of Alderney, Guernsey, and Sark near the north coast of France. First imported to the United States in about 1830, they…


(Encyclopedia) pasteurizationpasteurizationpăsˌch&oobreve;rĭzāˈshən, –rīzāˈshən [key], partial sterilization of liquids such as milk, orange juice, wine, and beer, as well as cheese, to destroy…


(Encyclopedia) Havre Havre hăvˈər [key], city (2020 pop. 9,955), seat of Hill co., N Mont., on the Milk…

milk snake

(Encyclopedia) milk snake: see king snake.

Babcock, Stephen Moulton

(Encyclopedia) Babcock, Stephen MoultonBabcock, Stephen Moultonmōlˈtən băbˈkŏk [key], 1843–1931, American agricultural chemist, b. Bridgewater, N.Y., grad. Tufts College (B.A., 1866), Univ. of…


(Encyclopedia) kwashiorkorkwashiorkorkwăshˌēôrˈkôr [key], protein deficiency disorder of children. It is prevalent in overpopulated parts of the world where the diet consists mainly of starchy…

Borden, Gail

(Encyclopedia) Borden, Gail, 1801–74, American dairyman, surveyor, and inventor, b. Norwich, N.Y. He was for several years a deputy surveyor in Mississippi; afterward he joined the colony of Stephen…