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(Encyclopedia) dairying, business of producing, processing, and distributing milk and milk products. Ninety percent of the world's milk is obtained from cows; the remainder comes from goats,…

fermented milk

(Encyclopedia) fermented milk, whole or skim milk curdled to beverage or custardlike consistency by lactic-acid-producing microorganisms. Many forms of fermented milk were used by early nomadic…


(Encyclopedia) cheese, food known from ancient times and consisting of the curd of milk separated from the whey. The numerous cheeses (often named for their place of origin) depend for their…

acidophilus milk

(Encyclopedia) acidophilus milkacidophilus milkăsˌĭdäfˈələs [key]: see fermented milk.


(Encyclopedia) lactoselactoselăkˈtōs [key] or milk sugar, white crystalline disaccharide (see carbohydrate). It has the same empirical formula (C12H22O11) as sucrose (cane sugar) and maltose but…

mammary gland

(Encyclopedia) mammary gland, organ of the female mammal that produces and secretes milk for the nourishment of the young. A mammal may have from 1 to 11 pairs of mammary glands, depending on the…


(Encyclopedia) caseincaseinkāˈsēn [key], well-defined group of proteins found in milk, constituting about 80% of the proteins in cow's milk, but only 40% in human milk. Casein is a remarkably…

Brewer's: Milk of Human Kindness

(The). Sympathy, compassion. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894MilksopMilk and Water A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y…