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(Encyclopedia) pudding. Early writers on cookery class puddings and dumplings together. The earliest puddings were boiled in a bag or cloth. Later they were placed in a buttered bowl, covered with a…


(Encyclopedia) secretion, in biology, substance elaborated by the living material of an animal or plant. Secretions in humans can be produced by a single cell or by a group of cells commonly called a…

Seldes, Marian Hall

(Encyclopedia) Seldes, Marian Hall, 1928–2014, American actress, b. New York City. She studied under Sanford Meisner before making her Broadway debut in Medea (1947). Tall and angular, with a regal…


(Encyclopedia) Masai or MaasaiMaasaimäsīˈ [key], a largely nomadic pastoral people of E Africa, chiefly in Kenya and Tanzania. Cattle and sheep form the basis of the economy that they have maintained…


(Encyclopedia) MillauMillaumēyōˈ [key], town (1990 pop. 22,458), Aveyron dept., S France, on the Tarn River. The center of the French glove industry, the town also has tanning and dyeing industries.…

Dumfries, town, Scotland

(Encyclopedia) Dumfries Dumfries dəmfrēsˈ [key], town, Dumfries and Galloway, SW Scotland, on the Nith River. The…

Hershey, Milton Snavely

(Encyclopedia) Hershey, Milton Snavely, 1857–1945, American manufacturer and philanthropist, b. near Derry Church (now Hershey), Pa. The son of Mennonite farmers, at 15 he was apprenticed to a…

Q fever

(Encyclopedia) Q fever, disease caused by Coxiella burnetii, a small, Gram-negative bacterium. The bacterium infects livestock (cattle, goats, and sheep) and other domesticated animals, and is found…


(Encyclopedia) pseudocyesispseudocyesiss&oomacr;ˌdōsīēˈsĭs [key], imaginary pregnancy in women usually resulting from a strong desire or need for motherhood. In the absence of conception, the…


(Encyclopedia) albuminalbuminălby&oomacr;ˈmən [key] [Lat.,=white of egg], member of a class of water-soluble, heat-coagulating proteins. Albumins are widely distributed in plant and animal…