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(Encyclopedia) champlevéchamplevéshäNləvāˈ [key], technique for the enamel decoration of metal objects. It was used by the Celts and Romans and employed by medieval metalworkers for jewelry and…

fatigue, in engineering

(Encyclopedia) fatigue, in engineering, microscopic cracking of materials, especially metals, after repeated applications of stress. Fissures may be formed within pieces of metal during their…


(Encyclopedia) WeslacoWeslacowĕsˈlĭkō [key], city (1990 pop. 21,877), Hidalgo co., extreme S Tex., in the irrigated region of the lower Rio Grande valley; inc. 1921. Cotton, citrus, and vegetables…


(Encyclopedia) rutheniumrutheniumr&oomacr;thēˈnēəm [key], metallic chemical element; symbol Ru; at. no. 44; at. wt. 101.07; m.p. about 2,310℃; b.p. about 3,900℃; sp. gr. 12.41 at 20℃; valence…


(Encyclopedia) praseodymiumpraseodymiumprāˌzēōdĭmˈēəm, –sēō– [key] [Gr., =green twin], metallic chemical element; symbol Pr; at. no. 59; at. wt. 140.90765; m.p. 931℃; b.p. 3,512℃; sp. gr. about 6.8;…


(Encyclopedia) galliumgalliumgălˈēəm [key], metallic chemical element; symbol Ga; at. no. 31; at. wt. 69.723; m.p. 29.78℃; b.p. 2,403℃; sp. gr. 5.904 at 29.6℃ (solid), 6.095 at 29.8℃ (liquid);…


(Encyclopedia) stibnitestibnitestĭbˈnīt [key], antimony sulfide, Sb2S3, a mineral, silvery gray in color, with a metallic luster. It crystallizes in the orthorhombic system. Found in many parts of…

Chadwick, Lynn

(Encyclopedia) Chadwick, Lynn (Lynn Russell Chadwick), 1914–2003, English sculptor. After studying architecture, Chadwick began his career as a sculptor in 1945, working largely in metal. He came to…

Hudson, towns, United States

(Encyclopedia) Hudson. 1 Industrial town (2020 pop. 20,092), Middlesex co., E central Mass., on the Assabet River, in an apple-growing region; settled…


(Encyclopedia) welding, process for joining separate pieces of metal in a continuous metallic bond. Cold-pressure welding is accomplished by the application of high pressure at room temperature;…