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(Encyclopedia) yttriumyttriumĭtˈrēəm [key] [for Ytterby, a town in Sweden], metallic chemical element; symbol Y; at. no. 39; at. wt. 88.90585; m.p. about 1,522℃; b.p. 3,338℃; sp. gr. about 4.45;…


(Encyclopedia) neodymiumneodymiumnēˌōdĭmˈēəm [key], metallic chemical element; symbol Nd; at. no. 60; at. wt. 144.242; m.p. about 1,021℃; b.p. about 3,068℃; sp. gr. 7.004 at 20℃; valence +3.…


(Encyclopedia) ceriumceriumsērˈēəm [key] [from the asteroid Ceres], metallic chemical element; symbol Ce; at. no. 58; at. wt. 140.116; m.p. 799℃; b.p. 3,426℃; sp. gr. 6.77 at 25℃; valence +3 or +4.…


(Encyclopedia) die-casting, process by which molten metal is forced by a plunger or compressed air into a metallic die and the pressure maintained until the metal has solidified. Die castings are…


(Encyclopedia) chloridechlorideklōrˈīd, klôrˈ– [key], chemical compound containing chlorine. Most chlorides are salts that are formed either by direct union of chlorine with a metal or by reaction of…

Rancho Cucamonga

(Encyclopedia) Rancho CucamongaRancho Cucamongarănˈchō k&oomacr;ˌkəmängˈgə [key], city (1990 pop. 101,409), San Bernardino co., S Calif. Situated in a vast suburban corridor, it is part of San…


(Encyclopedia) RybnikRybnikrĭbˈnēk [key], town (1993 est. pop. 145,400), Śląskie prov., S Poland. It is a railway junction and industrial center with industries manufacturing mining machinery, metal…

Ponca City

(Encyclopedia) Ponca City, city (1990 pop. 26,359), Kay co., N Okla., on the Arkansas River; founded 1893 with the opening of the Cherokee Strip, inc. 1899. It is a trade, processing, and shipping…


(Encyclopedia) embossing, process of producing upon various materials designs or patterns in relief by mechanical means. The material is pressed between a pair of dies especially adapted to its…


(Encyclopedia) ductility, ability of a metal to plastically deform without breaking or fracturing, with the cohesion between the molecules remaining sufficient to hold them together (see adhesion and…